Individual Therapy

Do you feel stuck or hopeless?

People often seek out my services when they are feeling that life simply does not hold the joy for them that they once hoped that it would. 

Many are struggling with a sense of overwhelming hopelessness, constant nagging worry, or a feeling that they simply don’t really know where they are going or how to get out of the rut they feel they are in.

The good news is that, with the right guidance and support, it is possible for you to break out of those cycles and overcome those negative feelings! Time and again I have seen my patients come to recognize their own strengths, and use the tangible tools that they learn in our sessions to restore their relationships and realize the new opportunities that are open to them.

My approach is one that embraces tangible, practical approaches that help you make concrete progress towards seeing improvement and greater happiness in your day-to-day life.

Whether you are wondering where you belong or where you want to go in life, or are finding that your relationship with your spouse is not as warm and loving as you wish it would be, I am here to be a support and guide, helping you to move from where your life is now – to a place where you have greater fulfillment and happiness.

Don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m here to answer your questions and help you get started on a new, brighter chapter of your life. 

Who Do I work with?

I am based in New Jersey, and provide counseling to a wide range of people including:

  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Older Adults (Geriatrics) 

I work with people who are struggling with:

  • Depression
  • Relationship and Family Issues
  • Mood Disorders 
  • Anxiety Disorders 
  • Trauma
  • Anger management 
  • Grief and Spiritual issues

Life shouldn’t just be bearable. Life should be awesome.
I’m here to help you along the way.