Couples Therapy

Caring for your marriage isn’t always easy.

Many couples find themselves feeling distant, angry, or as though the things that brought them together are no longer strong enough to prevent them from moving apart. 

The pain that these feelings bring can be intense, but that doesn’t mean that your relationship cannot be healed, bringing you greater closeness and connection even than you had when your relationship first began. 

When I work with couples, it is my goal to never provide a “bandaid” solution, that addresses a surface issue without helping to resolve deeper issues. I believe that by hyper-focusing on how you can build an incredibly warm and close relationship, that then many of the other issues that seem so overwhelming right now, will become manageable and less painful to discuss. 

Your marriage is the most important relationship in your life. I am here to help you preserve and protect it, so that it can be a source of strength and happiness for you and your spouse for years to come.